
Under the Umbra: Using Empathy and Collaboration to Navigate a World of Shadows is a realistic and compassionate model for interpersonal interactions.

In each episode, Electra and co-hosts explore ways to think about and plan for difficult relationships with people and systems in a way that stays grounded in values and centers community.


I strive to be grounded in and in integrity with my values and intentions while recording and interviewing.

My values and intentions for this show are

  • Empathy, Collaboration, Compassion
  • Community, Mutuality, Pro-social,
  • Curiosity, Complexity & Nuance, Humanity, Neurodivergence,
  • Education, Accommodation, Useful Tools,
  • Harm Reduction, Reducing destructive conflict and enabling generative conflict

I honor the dignity and humanity of the people that I talk to and about.

May the ideas and experiences imparted here help others to increase their ability to maintain relationships, maintain boundaries, and reduce harm to themselves and others.


This podcast and website represent the opinions and observations of Electra Allenton and her co-hosts and guests to the show and website. Electra Allenton has a Naturopathic Doctor degree, has a Masters of Science of Oriental Medicine degree, and has completed a residency in Naturopathic Psychiatry; Electra Allenton has intentionally lapsed her Oregon License as a Naturopathic Doctor after a period of inactive status and has placed her Oregon License of Acupuncture into inactive status. Her opinions and observations are informed by her education and experience practicing medicine as well as her personal lived experience; however, in no way does listening, reading, emailing or interacting on social media with Electra Allenton or this content establish a medical provider-patient relationship nor should her opinions and observations be taken as medical advice. The content here is for informational purposes only. Because each person is unique, please consult your trusted healthcare professional for any medical questions.